Sunday, November 25, 2012

Work From Home Tips - How To Earn A Residual Income From Home

It is the dream of many people to work from home and quit their 9 to 5 job. But it can be overwhelming to decide on which online business opportunities to go for.

So in this article we will go over a number of tips to help you make money from home by leveraging the power of modern day internet marketing methods:

Affiliate Product To Sell - I think to make money online in affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to start off as a newbie. Because with affiliate marketing you just need to focus on the most important part of marketing online: driving traffic. When you have mastered the art of driving traffic then you can make money online quickly and easily. Some people recommend creating your own products and recruiting affiliates to market for you. This will work well if that is your skill set, but for most newbies affiliate marketing is probably the easiest way to start internet marketing.

Residual Income - The whole point of online business opportunities is to build up a monthly residual income. This is where you have a base income arriving to your account whether you do any more work that week or not. Network marketing is one way of building a residual income because you leverage the power of a team to earn money from the sales of others. Also, look to promote products that have a recurring nature to them. Online membership sites that bill the customer monthly is a good way to get a recurring from home income arriving for your business.

Go Where The Traffic Is - Many beginners are told to find an untapped niche to market in. But I think that is bad advice as in an untapped niche there is probably not much of an audience and you will have to totally dominate that niche to see success. Instead, go after a large marketing where there are millions and millions of potential customers. Markets like business & wealth, relationships, and health & fitness. Market something that will be easy to find people to send to the offer.

Work From Home Jobs - In many internet business listings you will often see lots of work from home jobs. These are not so much opportunities that entrepreneurs will want to get involved in because they are for people with more of an employee mindset. For example, you will often see biz ops listed for paid surveys, writing articles, data entry, and stuffing envelopes etc. But these are more like jobs and are not automated ways to build your income by leverage the power of internet marketing. I would focus on the residual income opportunities instead.

Internet Marketing Tips - The Whole Truth?

I have absolutely no doubt that this article is going to cause a ruckus with some people. In fact, I can already see the hate mail coming. Well, that's okay. I can take the heat. A lot of what you're going to read here, about the "whole" truth is going to shock you. Don't say you haven't been warned.

Okay, so what exactly am I talking about when I say the "whole" truth? Well, the best way to explain it is with an example to start and then we'll get into the specifics of why things are done like this. Once you see the process, you'll understand the reasons behind it. At least after I explain them you will.

Let's take, as an example, that great commercial that Jerry Stiller is in. You know the one I'm talking about, with the checking account. He talks about how we're earning bupkis on our money and that by using this particular checking account, we can get five times the national average. That all sounds well and good until you realize that the national average is a joke and five times bupkis is STILL bupkis. But it's great advertising because they don't actually tell you what the interest rate is. They just say five times the national average.

It's what we call less than full disclosure. And you can look at just about any product or service being sold today and you'll find the same thing... less than full disclosure.

All of these "how to make money online" products that talk about all the money that you can make, and even show screen prints and videos of all the money THEY'VE made. It's all true. You CAN make a lot of money online. I'm living proof of it. But what they DON'T tell you is how much work you have to put in to MAKE that kind of money. That's always left off of the sales page.

Again, this is less than full disclosure. And a lot of people don't like this. They think it's unethical. They think it's slimy. They think these marketers should all be taken out to the back of a barn and shot. But what they DON'T understand is that...


Huh? What's that you say Wags? Marketers have to lie?

No, that's NOT what I'm saying. I'm saying that marketers have to hold back certain pieces of information about their product or service.

Before you get ready to lynch me, you might want to read the rest of this. There are two reasons why.

Reason number one is obvious. Full disclosure means less sales. Like it or not, if you tell people every little thing about your product, all the pros and cons in minute detail, prospects won't buy. There are several reasons for this that I will get into as part of reason two, but for now, suffice it to say, if you plan on full disclosure, you're going to lose money... lots of it.

Okay, so let's get into reason number two.

Reason number two is not so obvious but it is something that you will learn the more you get to know people. Prospects don't WANT to know the whole truth.

Think about it. When you were a little kid and got sick and your mother said to you, "Take your medicine, it will make you feel better" did you WANT her to tell you that it tasted like crap? I know I sure didn't. Yeah, I found out when I took it, but at least I took it. If she said to me, "This tastes so bad you're going to throw up" would I REALLY take the medicine? I somehow doubt it.

And you can apply this to just about any product or service out there. People don't want to know about all the problems they can have after buying their shiny new Lexus, even though it's been touted as the best thing on the planet on four wheels. We know there is a chance it can break down at some point, and probably will, and give us all sorts of headaches. But right now, we just want to drive that luxurious automobile.

Humans bury their heads in the sand over a lot things because the truth hurts. We don't want the WHOLE truth. Just tell us the parts that are going to make us feel better.

If my first info product that I bought told me that I would have to work 14 hours a day to become successful, would I have ever bought it in the first place? I seriously doubt it. Sure, I was disappointed when I found out that there was work involved in making money online, but making that money was important enough to me to actually DO the work.

Go on. Look at all the appliances and contraptions you have around your home. Write down all the problems you've had with them, or potential problems you COULD have with them and tell me how many of those you were told about when you bought them.

Truth in advertising only goes so far. Anybody who thinks differently is delusional. Nobody says, "This product does XYZ really great BUT you can have ABC happen to it or go wrong with it."

The ONLY products where they now HAVE to do this are medications because of the potentially deadly side effects. But no real estate agent is going to tell you that the new home you're thinking of buying just happens to have a running railroad in back of it unless you notice the tracks and ask. And even then, they might say, "Eh, it doesn't run very often."

Yeah, right. Been there, done that.

But then we probably wouldn't have bought this home that we love so much. And today, the railroad doesn't run anymore or hardly ever.

Point is, if you plan on telling your prospects everything, human nature being what it is, prepare to lose a lot of sales.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

How to Price Your Coaching Service

Are you charging too much?

The short answer is probably not, so good luck and have a great day! Really though, what fun is a short answer though without an explanation?

Pricing is a tricky subject because in many cases your feelings about pricing are also tied to your feelings of your own value in the marketplace and face it, we've all got self esteem issues.

You may not realize it, but your pricing is a huge piece of your brand. If you price yourself too low you're going to look "cheap" and will attract a much different clientele than if you are charging a premium price.

Then of course, you also run the risk of pricing yourself out of the market. So what's a coach to do?

You first need to decide how you want to be perceived in your brand.

Do you want to be the bargain brand, or the premium? There is nothing wrong with either choice, it will depend on the image you want to put out there, and what kinds of clients you want to attract.

If you're charging a lower price it will mean that you need to find more clients in order to reach your financial goals. So when you're figuring out how many clients you can feasibly serve a month, make sure that with your pricing you're going to be able to pay your bills. This may sound like a "duh" piece of advice, but you'd be surprised!

Try to steer clear of hourly pricing.

As a coach it is so tempting to give yourself an hourly rate, based on what you see other coaches charging. Sometimes hourly rates are okay for a one off appointment, but in general you should be creating coaching packages which will allow you to leverage your time and get out of that money for time mindset (for both you and your clients).

Another reason you want to get out of the time for money mindset is because it's easy to base the price per hour on the hour you are actually on the phone with a client, but there is so much more to running your coaching business and your fees need to cover those costs.

What do I mean by that? Well…you need to cover the cost of marketing to find clients, the administration of managing clients, the work you do to improve your coaching skills or coaching process, the time it takes for you to create worksheets and assignments, not to mention the in between session emails or question answering. Suddenly charging hourly for your time on the phone doesn't sound very lucrative does it?

You also need to know your market and what level of pricing is appropriate.

Do your research and check out other coaches that are serving the same market as you. Make sure that you don't compare your prices to the coaching world as a whole because depending on the service you're offering, and your target market, the pricing can vary greatly.

It always boggles me how much executive coaches can charge for nearly the same services as those that serve other types of clients. It all has to do with the market, what they can afford, and the value they associate with coaching services.

So know your market, and your competition and price yourself accordingly.

This brings us back to the self esteem issue in the beginning. Many coaches will price themselves dependent on how they feel they measure up to the competition which is a terrible idea.

You can't price yourself based on how you feel you measure up because, quite frankly you're always going to be underselling yourself.

Even if you think that another coach has more experience, or is "better at coaching" than you, they don't have what you have. Each of us brings a different set of experiences and talents, and they all have tremendous value.

So stop thinking of others as better, and recognize that they are just different. The value you bring to clients is probably so much more than you think and you'll be surprised what people are willing to pay for the results you provide.

Price is almost never the barrier to buying.

The barrier is the perceived value in exchange for the price. If you deliver killer results that are exactly what a prospect needs in that moment, then you could be charging the moon and they'd take out their check book.

During your initial consultation calls you should always be asking your prospect what has held them back up until this point from getting help to solve their problem. The answer is nearly always NOT money and by asking this you'll get great insight into your market and how you can overcome the actual barriers.

So do your research, find your sweet spot in the market that is in alignment with what your audience can afford, how you see your brand, and ultimately what you can quote someone without throwing up on their shoes.

Accepting Negative Feedback Is Essential For Online Success

Many people are afraid of feedback. You try something, you get a result. Whether the result is good, or bad, it lets you know how you are doing. Most people love good results. They strive for them. They are the only reason, after all, that they take action. Similarly, people hate bad results. Ask out a girl, she says no. This fear is what keeps men paralyzed with fear.

It's also the same fear that keeps millions of people with great ideas from starting a business. What if I fail? What if nobody buys my product? What if somebody else has a better product?

The truth is that bad results, or negative feedback from your actions, are just as valuable as good results, or positive feedback. Strangely, most of us have a hard time accepting bad results. We blame others, hide our heads in the sand, and refuse to acknowledge that a course of action that we've taken has given us other than what we expected.

Do you remember when you were a baby? Probably not. But if you did, you'd remember that all natural learning, all natural acquisition of skills and development of abilities is based on trial and error. Babies know this instinctively. They try something, it works, they do more. They try something else, it doesn't work, they do less.

Why is this? Because all the adults around them give them positive reinforcement both ways. We get an "A" for effort whether we succeed or fail.

Why does this change when we get older? Maybe because we put too much emphasis in what others think about us. Maybe because we are afraid that any failure in business is an indication of a deeper, horrible truth. One that we dare not face.

But the honest truth is that if you are going to succeed in business, I mean really succeed, you have to accept failure just as openly as you accept success. Failure can teach you much more than success. Sure, you may try something and make money. But do you know exactly how? Do you know exactly why?

Without an open acceptance of failure as well as success, you won't really know what you're doing. By accepting both as a normal part of business, you'll be continually fine tuning your skills and building more and more successful strategies.

Imagine if you could measure your skill when it comes to making money in a business. What if you were certain that you could double your skills every year, for the next ten years. How much better would you be? How many more products could you produce? How much more money and wealth could you generate, not only for yourself, but for society as a whole?

All it takes is accepting the feedback that you get. And just like a child, unaware of the negative labels put on "failure," just do more of what works, and less of what doesn't.

In a few years time, you'll be one of the top business people in the world.

Home Based Business Opportunity Ideas: Tips And Suggestions For How To Work From Home

There are hundreds of ways to make money online that it can get confusing when you are looking to start your own online business.

To help you get off to a quick start, here are a number of online business ideas and suggestions:

Affiliate Marketing - This is not an opportunity as such but I recommend that your internet business evolves around affiliate marketing. It is hands off as you do not need to deal with customers. You don't have to create your own products, sales copy, or sales funnels. As an affiliate you rely on other experts having already put this into place so that all you need to do is to drive traffic to an affiliate offer. This is the best way to make money online: driving traffic. Most people overcomplicate it with other less effective tasks.

100% Commissions - When you are selling products directly to a consumer then you can have much higher commissions than a typical affiliate program or if you go via 3rd party distributors. You will find many direct sales businesses that will give you 100% commissions for your efforts on many of their products. When you earn 100% commissions you can afford to really scale your business. This is because you can more easily recoup paid advertising costs when you are earning all the money.

Paid Surveys - You can earn good money from home by filling out a survey. Companies want you to do this for market research purposes so that they can improve their paid advertising campaigns. Also, it is a way for them to get free business opportunity seeker leads. So you could spend all day filling in paid surveys to earn a basic wage. But how about being an affiliate marketer that earns money by getting others to fill out these surveys? By automating your marketing you can send traffic to these paid surveys and earn money every time someone fills it out. This is a better use of your time than filling them out yourself. Look for CPA affiliate programs with biz opp and paid survey CPA offers.

MLM and Network Marketing - Many people from the internet marketing nice look down on internet network marketing and MLM opportunities. But when you combine network marketing with affiliate marketing it is an extremely powerful business model and where the BIG commissions are made. With internet network marketing you do only make money from your own sales, but from sales of your team members. It is like a two tiered affiliate program to leverage the power of a team for more residual income for yourself.

Article Writing - Freelance writing is another way to earn an income from home. This typically included writing simple SEO (Search Engine Optimization) articles for other marketers. There is a lot of work doing this but the pay is usually very low. To earn more money as an online freelance writer look to master the art of writing SEO press releases as the pay is higher for that. Article writing jobs can be found on sites such as ODesk and Elance.

How to Write an Ad Copy Effectively

Do you think your ad is original? There are countless ads out there. It's important that your ad will be good enough for people to read it. So what kind of ads are most likely to be noticed? Any ad that promotes a service, product or even ideas that can help or solve your readers' problem.

Competition is tough. For sure whatever you are selling, someone is already selling that too. Advertising is about convincing customers to purchase from you. There's no need to have a one of a kind product but it must be noticeable in the eyes of your buyers. This is not a "hype". It's just plain good business.

You don't need to be dishonest. Just make it a point that your product or service can get someone's attention. Contemplate about those people that stand out. A good example of this is a teacher who inspired you. Or, what about your favorite celebrity?Definitely, they did something different and unforgettable. That's what your ad has to be - not "hype" in the negative, but the positive sense.

You can also add something to your ad to make it sound interesting: "Are Your Ads Boring Even You? Discover The Secret Of How To Write Compelling Ad Copy Now!" Be creative and come up with a better sounding ad that's not an exact copy of the others.

The only time advertising becomes effective is when people read what you write and understand it.

Another thing to remember is to make sure that the ad focuses on the customer and not on you. Let them know how they(customer) will benefit from using your service or product. The appearance of your ad is also essential. It has to be easy to read. You can use bold face or capital letter to emphasize a point.

Although creating a long copy can also work however, it's better to keep your sentences brief and simple. Don't let your reader's eye roam around!

Be extra careful when using abbreviations. There are many ads that were totally thrown off in meaning by not having words spelled out.

Lastly and most important of all, your ad should tell the reader what you want them to do. Include action verbs telling them to how to order or send an email. This is a fundamental rule that is often overlooked.

Once your ad is ready, remember to always spell check and proofread your ad.

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